Thanks for signing up to all the new readers! Here are some nuggets about how networks shape your wellbeing, relationships and community to help you actively cultivate yours.
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The devastating situation in the Ukraine reminds me of the conversation I had with Khusraw Razbaan Ahmadzai about How Networks Support People Displaced by War. He shares his lived experience from early childhood in Kabul, Afghanistan before moving to Islamabad, Pakistan during the civil war in the early 90s. He talks about the emotional and practical impact on individuals, their families, and communities when war disrupts our networks. He also talks about how instrumental weak ties are to overcoming the challenges that war brings. We’re seeing this unfold in real-time on social media. Steven Johnson discusses this in the latest addition of his newsletter, Networks Versus Tanks.
It’s not rocket science, but we often forget that doing simple things consistently can have a huge impact on our relationships. In 6 Ways You Can Build and Maintain Strong Relationships With Your Partner, the author highlights a few of the most obvious and valuable:
Be Responsive
Active Listening
Ask Questions
I’d add one to the list that is deceptively simple but hard to do: Do what you say you’re going to do. I can’t think of a better way to build trust and respect with someone else.
Interested in improving your “community” skills? There are a number of courses and programs out there that might fit your needs and budget kicking off this spring:
About The Reliants Project
Reliant is my word for a person that someone depends on, an essential component of our social networks. With each edition, I’ll share useful nuggets about how networks shape your wellbeing, relationships, and community to help you actively cultivate yours. Whether you want to make better introductions, build better social products and services, or activate networks to make an impact in the world, let me help you reach your goals.
You can find more about The Reliants Project here.