The Reliants Project
reliant /re·li·ant/ noun.
1. a British car manufacturer.
2. a person on which someone depends.
A reliant is an old British car from 1930s, but it’s also my word for a person that someone relies on, which is an essential component of our social networks. Each newsletter, I’ll offer you curated content about how networks shape your wellbeing, relationships and community. I’ll also provide one thing to read, reflect and realize to help further your practice of actively cultivating your network, whether your goal is to build your relationships more deliberately, make better introductions, or activate networks to make an impact in the world.
About the author
Hi! I’m Erica, and I’m thrilled to be your guide on this journey together. I have been actively studying networks and their impact on us for 5 years. First, as a student of life, tracking and reflecting on my own experience. More recently, in my community roles in venture capital.
You can find The Reliants Project on the Web or via this newsletter. You can find me on LinkedIn or Twitter.